Hey, Coach! (and the Value of Trying Again)
One of the more challenging aspects of writing picture books…

Meeting Illustrators
One of the things I love most about writing picture books is…

Timing is Everything
I have two new picture books out this month, published a week…

One Family = Counting + Unity
One of the things I love about picture books is that they can…

Meet Kim Smith--and OVER THE RIVER & THROUGH THE WOOD Giveaway!
I really admire artistic talent (since I have so little myself),…

Celebrating the Right to Vote
When I think of non-fiction books with a distinctive voice, I…

Dog Adopts Man (and Other Role Reversals)
Manuscript feeling a bit stale? Need a fresh take on the ordinary?…

SCBWI Carolinas Conference September 2015
The SCBWI Carolinas chapter has another fabulous conference coming…

Zachariah OHora Interview and Book Giveaway
I've been a fan of Zach OHora's books ever since spotting one…

Queen of the Rollicking Read-Alouds
Karen Beaumont, one of my favorite picture book authors, has…

Twenty Year Anniversary and Book Giveaway
Twenty years ago this month I quit my job at UCLA to write children's…

Few Words, Plenty of Action
Author Margie Palatini is known for her lively, clever, and pun-filled…

Poetry for Picture Book Writers
Reading poetry—in particular, reading poetry aloud—can be…

You Byun and Little Baby Buttercup
To celebrate the publication of Little Baby Buttercup (Nancy…

MY DADDY AND ME (and another reminder to save old manuscripts!)
Twenty years ago, when my son was a toddler, I wrote a tender…

Upcoming Writing Workshop & Whirlikids Book Festival
McIntyre’s Books in Fearrington Village, NC is one of my favorite…

Here's to Slow Writing—and Louise DeSalvo
Hey, it’s December!
You’ve probably noticed that already.

On Collaboration, Harmonious & Otherwise
Years ago when I lived in Los Angeles, I had an old watch that…

SCBWI-Carolinas Conference 2018
Hey there! Got plans for the weekend of September 28th-30th?

Caroline Stutson and Blue Corn Soup
My friend Caroline Stutson—a gifted poet and talented storyteller—passed…

Chatting with Disney-Hyperion Editor Steph Lurie about William's Winter Nap, Writing Advice & More (Plus Giveaway!)
I sold my first manuscript 20 years ago this month. That sale…

Moons & Multi-Tasking
I'm not very good at multi-tasking. If I'm working on a project—whether…

Navigating the Author-Agent Relationship
I'll be talking about the Author-Agent relationship with my own…

Meet Agent Jennifer Mattson (plus a Giveaway!)
Over at PictureBookBuilders, I interview my excellent agent,…